Thursday, January 21, 2010

CFP : Late Antique World Workshop - Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity : Revisiting the 'Parting of the Ways', August 31 - September 2, 2010, University of Ottawa

A number of works have appeared recently that challenge the notion of a definitive point of separation between Jews and Christians in Antiquity. These studies are asking us to rethink Jewish and Christian identity in Late Antiquity, and the ways in which Jews and Christians related to each other and the ambient society. In the spirit of this scholarly impetus, this year we are seeking papers that offer new perspectives on the complex relationship between Jews and Christians in the Roman world, at a time when the Roman Empire itself was undergoing significant religious transformation.

The purpose of this workshop is to re-examine relations between Jews and Christians with particular emphasis on Late Antiquity and the many aspects of life in the Roman Empire. Participants are therefore encouraged to highlight broad dimensions beyond the religious (for example, cultural, social, economic, political or intellectual developments) and are invited to locate their discussions within such themes as ritual, symbolism, philosophy, narratology, dialogue, identity construction, power relations, norms, or imperialism, among innumerable others. Some possible general topics are :

  • Do the recent studies on the parting of the ways (or the ways that never parted) offer a viable paradigm for future scholarship on relations between Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity ? What criteria are or should be used to determine if, when, and where there was a parting of the ways ? 
  • In what ways did the Roman world influence, enable or obstruct Jewish-Christian relations ? Conversely, did Jewish-Christian relations impact the predominantly 'pagan' society of the Roman Empire or the imperial government ? 
  • Are there developing trends or methodologies in other disciplines that can benefit the study of the Jewish-Christian relationship in Late Antiquity ? 
  • In what ways did Jewish-Christian relations influence each other's understanding of cultural and social concepts, such as institution, sacred space, or community, in Late Antiquity ? What influence, if any, did the Roman world have on their comprehension ? 
  • Did Jewish-Christian relations influence the religious transformation of the Roman world, or vice versa ?
  • To what degree did Roman governance play a part in shaping the nature of Jewish-Christian relations, particularly under the Christian emperors ? 
Abstracts of 250 words (max.) for presentations of 15-20 minutes, in English or French, should be submitted no later than March 15, 2010. Contributions are encouraged from all relevant disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Graduate submissions are welcome. All abstracts must include the following information :
  • Full name
  • Title of paper
  • Name of Institution and department
  • Current degree being sought or professional status
  • Any audio-visual requirements or aids
  • Please indicate if you are willing to moderate one of the panels
Electronic submissions are preferred and can be sent to For more information please visit the LAWW website. Please be advised that the proceedings of this event are intended for publication. Grant possibilities are being explored.