Source: Academic Jobs Online.
The Department of the History of Art
invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor to begin fall
semester 2012. We are searching in two areas and plan to conduct interviews at
the College Art Association for candidates in both fields. Comparative and
interdisciplinary interests are encouraged. The PhD must be completed by Fall
2012. We will accept and review applications on a rolling basis until November
21st. The first area is Ancient and/or Colonial Latin American Visual Culture
with emphasis on the visual arts of South America and the Caribbean. Ideally,
the successful candidate would teach courses in both time periods. The
chronological frame is flexible. We are especially interested in applicants
with broad theoretical knowledge and interest in issues of indigeneity. The
second area is the Visual Culture of Byzantium in the Mediterranean World,
500-1200 A.D. The department seeks a specialist in the visual culture of
Byzantium with broad-ranging interdisciplinary and comparative interests, with
a desired chronological spectrum of specialization from 500-1200 A.D. We are
particularly interested in candidates who consider Byzantium and its culture in
relation to the Islamic world, and/or to the 'Catholic West,' and who possess
the linguistic portfolio to carry out in-depth research in the area of
comparison. Priority will be given to those applications received by Nov. 15th.
Electronic applications are required. All required elements of the application
may be uploaded to the online site. Cornell is an Affirmative Action, Equal
Opportunity Employer and Educator.