Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Homo Romanus Graeca Oratione. From 2nd to 4th centuries : 300 years of Greek culture in the Roman Empire, Barcelona (Spain), 12-14.03.2009

The underlying theme of the Conference is the idea that, under Roman rule, Greek culture was still alive and dynamic, and continued to exert a degree of cultural domination, either real or apparent. We hope to analyse the meanings of concepts such as "Greek" or "Greece" in the Empire. 

Are we right to assume that there was a clear opposition between Greek and Roman ? Or would it be more accurate to speak of "Graeco-Roman world"? It would certainly be possible to make a list of "identity elements", on both sides - Greek and Roman - but, in this case, where should the borders between identity and community be placed ? 

The fundamental objective of the meeting is to put together a body of research conducted by previously unrelated individuals and groups, who approach the period between the 2nd and 4th centuries AD from a variety of angles, perspectives and disciplines. Until now this period has always been considered as the junction of the decline of the classical world, and the emergence of the medieval world, but we hope to establish a basis for considering it as a specific stage in cultural, historical and social development with a distinct personality of its own. There are many studies based on literary authors, on archaeological evidence, the use of language, and religious thought ; however, studies that assume and combine all these aspects are scarce. Benefiting from the diversity of the existing approaches, the conference aims to promote joint reflections on the period under review. 

Carles Miralles (Universitat de Barcelona)
Memoria dels textos i què ferne
Alberto Nodar (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Greeks writing Latin, Romans writing Greeks
Roberto Nicolai (Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza")
Roma capta ? Letteratura latina e sistema letterario greco nei primi secoli dell'impero
Gianluigi Tomassi (Università degli Studi di Cassino)
Aspetti della civiltà romana nei Dialoghi di Luciano di Samosata
Ivana Chialva (Universidad Catolica de Santa Fe)
Elogio, adulacion y parodia : desconciertos en torno a la celebracion de Roma en Imagines de Luciano de Samosata
Montserrat Jufresa (Universitat de Barcelona) 
La filosofia grega vista per Hipolit de Roma
Manfred Kraus (Universität Tübingen) 
The Pleasurable Cup from Attica : The Predominance of Greeks in Rhetorical Theory and Education from the Second Sophistic until Late Antiquity
Laurent Pernot (Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg)
Romains et non-Romains dans les Discours Sacrés d'Aelius Aristide
Paolo Desideri (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
Storia declamata e storia scritta. 
Alberto Quiroga (Universidad de Granada)
Vir Sanctus Dicendi Peritus. Rhetorical Delivery in Early Christian Rhetoric
Antonia Soler (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Cinc peces d'epigrafia grega funeraria de la col.leccio del cardinal Despuig
Montserrat Camps (Universitat de Barcelona)
Mite classic i imatge femenina en el poema Katà gynaikon Kallopizoménion de Gregory de Nazianz
Ernest Marcos (Universitat de Barcelona)
L'imperi romà en la teologia politica d'Eusebi de Cesarea
José Antonio Fernandez Delgado (Universidad de Salamanca) 
Babrio y la tradicion fabulistica greco-latina
Consuelo Ruiz Montero (Universidad de Murcia)
La Vida de Esopo (rec.G) : niveles de educacion y contexto retorico
Michael Trapp (King's College, London)
Re-examination of the Greekness of philosophia. 
Josep-Antoni Clua (Universitat de Lleida)
Per a una nova edicio de Xenofont d'Efes (Ephesiaka) a la col.leccio Alma Mater : problemes textuals i reflexions filologiques
Enrique Perez Benito (Universidad de Valladolid)
Seguir siendo griego en el Imperio Romano : la novela y el problema de la identidad cultural
Francesca Mestre (Universitat de Barcelona)
Quelques idées sur le Gymnastikos de Philostrate
Emmanuelle Valette (Centre Louis Gernet, Paris)
"Le vêtement bigarré des danseuses de Pyrrhiques" : pratiques du bilinguisme dans la correspondance de Fronton et Marc Aurèle
David Konstan (Brown University, Providence)
Seeing Greece with Pausanias
Orestis Karavas (University of Peloponnese)
Estudio critico-textual del Ocipo de Pseudo-Luciano segun las notas de Johannes Sykutris
Lluis Gonzalez Julia (Universitat de Barcelona)
Abdicatio graeca : interferencia legal en las declamaciones grecorromanas sobre desheredados.
Juan Pablo Sanchez (Harvard University)
Honesto de Corinto y las Mouseia de Tespias
Laia Bofill (Universitat de Barcelona)
La figura de l'heroi a Ateneu de Naucratis
Pilar Gomez (Universitat de Barcelona)
Alcifron : gastronomia virtual en la Atenas clasica
Eugenio Amato (Université de Nantes)
Paganesimo e cristianesimo nella Terza Sofistica : l'esempio della Scuola di Gaza
Ilaria Ramelli (Università Cattolica di Milano)
Gregory of Nyssa's Christianized Form of the Stoic Oikeiôsis. 
José Luis Vidal, Adolfo Egea (Universitat de Barcelona)
De los virgiliocentones de Proba a los homerocentones de Eudocia
Bernard Schouler (Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier)
Libanios ou la sophistique comme critique