1) The cultural association "Prof. P. Michele Piccirillo" is promoting the 1st edition of the National and International Mosaic Competition. (Secretariat of the competition : Piazza Maggiore de Rosa 81030 Casanova di Carinola (CE) Italy ; telephone number : 0039 0823 939671 - 0039 3386811004 ; email : info@pmichelepiccirillo.it).
2) The competition is open to all Italian citizens and foreigners with no age limit.
3) The topic of the competition is set every year by the Association. For 2009, it is the Mosaic of the Diaconicon of the Basilica of Moses on Mount Nebo, Madaba, Jordan (see photo).
4) Every entrant to the competition is required to send the mosaic to the Secretariat of the Prize by no later than the 30th May 2009. The work has to reproduce a detail of above-mentionned mosaic. The work, having a minimum size of 40x40 cm and a maximum of 40x60 cm, must be made of hard stone, and supported using materials as light as possible. All mosaics must be accompanied by a caption and description. The organizers shall not bear any legal responsability with respect to the integrity of the work submitted.
5) There is no registration fee for the competition.
6) Prizes will be awarded to the top 5 entries : A first prize of 800 euros (eight hundred euros) and four prizes of 300 euros (three hundred euros). Should additional funds be raised by the Association, further competitors will be rewarded. All participants shall receive a certificate of participation.
7) The names of the winners, the place and date of the award ceremony, will be announced in due course to all participants, as well as through the website of the Association www.pmichelepiccirillo.it
8) The mosaics submitted will not be returned and will remain the property of the association.
9) The awards will be collected, on the day of the awards, directly by the competitors or by their delegated representative. In case of inability to attend, the award will be sent to the winners as per their instructions.
10) The jury's decision is final and not appealable. Participation in the competition implies the acceptance of all the clauses of these Regulations.
11) In conformity with Italian legislation (D. Lgs. 196/2003), all personal data of the participants will be used solely for the purposes of the competition.